Monday, December 10, 2012

I'm an idealist, and it must ever be so.  

I believe there is more to this life than what meets the eye.  

I charge after the windmills that hold prisoner the possibilities of greatness with their mediocrity.

Some say things will never change and that's just the way it is.  

I want the way it is to be different. 

I want to bother.  I want meaning and passion.

"Man Of La Mancha" is one of my favorite musicals of all time.  I was blessed with the opportunity to play the role of Cervantes/Quixote in 1987 and it changed my life in many ways.  

It was my maternal grandfather's favorite role of mine, and when he died seven months after seeing me play it, the role and the show took on an even greater place of importance in my heart than I had ever expected it would.

Hear me now, oh thou bleak and unbearable world!